Fashion Revolution Kenya - Weavers Worth

Weavers Worth Kenya has been at the forefront of weaving for many decades, with prominent clients including Edun. Based in Langata, Greater Nairobi, the founder Rose Mwathi has taught many other weavers.

Traditionally, wool production is located in Nakuru, Uasin Gishu, Keiyo, Marakwet, West Pokot and Nandi in the Rift Valley region. Other known areas include the highlands such as Nyandarua in the Aberdare Mountain Ranges, Nanyuki and the Mount Kenya regions in the Central and Eastern provinces. There are a number of fine, medium and indigenous wool breeds available. However, introduction of diverse sheep breeds to the existing genetic pool is desperately needed, to improve the existing wool quality in the country. .

The research shows a need for training and further knowledge sharing for sheep farmers in the rearing of sheep for wool and the value of wool as well as for spinners in the processing of wool. Rose says, “Many people have sheep, but they don’t know the value of the wool”. She also says it is important to involve designers in the sustainable textile process and a need to create a connection between the sheep farmers, spinners, weavers and designers of the end product. .

With funding from East African Arts, Fashion Revolution Kenya is researching sustainable textiles across Kenya and amplifying the makers behind the fibres and fabrics. The full report will be available July 2020. .


Fashion Revolution Kenya - Beacon Of Hope


Fashion Revolution Kenya - KIRDI Fish Leathers