Cheetah The Nelson Vail's Story + Fight Back

Nelson Vails' story is a triumph over almost insurmountable odds. Nelson was the youngest of 10 children growing up in the Harlem projects and worked as a New York City bicycle messenger to support his family. Nicknamed "The Cheetah" because he was the fastest cat in the jungle, Nelson rode furiously while working, trained in Central Park after work and raced locally on weekends.  He was thrust on to the world stage, represented the USA at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, where he won the silver medal in the individual 1000-meter Match Sprints, behind countryman Mark Gorski.  Becoming a pioneer for the African-American cycling community, this documentary explores the beginnings of his life in Harlem and his impact on the future generation of cyclists worldwide.
I was fortunate enough to attend the afternoon opening matinee with Fight Backan organization teaching mixed martial arts, the philosophy that sport has the power to involve individuals and transform communities.
be sure to check out Fight Back at The Mary Mitchell Centre
And the Inspiring Documentary Cheetah, The Nelson Vails Story


Brian Steven Banks

