Sunset Magazine March Issue 2013
Get a load of this!!!! All that work in the Garden paid off... I was so excited to hear that Conor owner of minifarmbox had spoken to Sunset Magazine.He was showing them the documentation of our progress on the garden from my blog and they flipped to do a story on it.
And Looked what Happened :-)
Cool HUH?
Now the only awkward part is the food recipes and the fabulous food photography is not mine, but all in all its Great Story for a nasty patch of land down the hill.. that Conor at minifarmbox and Nysha at Ardenwood edibles and Andrew (my guy who helps and teaches me about the bees) turn into a real paradise for me
there is also an online issue to check out
March 2013 Sunset Magazine
you can also checkout images from the blog about the Garden bee's and my recipies if you click
Garden, Bee's or Food
in the "Label Tab" on the left
Now the only awkward part is the food recipes and the fabulous food photography is not mine, but all in all its Great Story for a nasty patch of land down the hill.. that Conor at minifarmbox and Nysha at Ardenwood edibles and Andrew (my guy who helps and teaches me about the bees) turn into a real paradise for me
there is also an online issue to check out
March 2013 Sunset Magazine
you can also checkout images from the blog about the Garden bee's and my recipies if you click
Garden, Bee's or Food
in the "Label Tab" on the left